Have you checked the Beacon Telescope yet?! Well If you Havent I'll give you the Heads up RockHopper and his trusty Red Puffle Have Returned. Rockhopper's Ship has been spotted and his return to the Island is close!
Starting Friday March 5th Rockhopper will be back to clubpenguin! Keep a watch out for his visit and be sure to check the Beach for the Migrator!
You Have Been Asking for More Updates On Mission 11 Herberts Revenge and Here Are Some New Sneek Peeks! Until This Mission Comes Out Be sure to Keep Clubpenguin safe and do some previous Missions! Your Penguin has to be at least 30 days old For more information on how to become a secret Agent be sure to Click Here.
Can You Believe these were what i Puffles Would have looked like before we came up witht he originals we still use today!also The Orange Puffle was released! Members go buy the puffle!
The New Orange Puffle Is Back Coming Soon This Week!! The Puffle Party Is Ending Early This Week Remember To Check The Puffle Shop For The Orange Puffle!~ K Kitten10
From now on Clubpenguin has decided to give freedom to non members! Non Members are NOW allowed to get flag pins! ---------->They have decided being able to have a flag shows honor to the country and honor so they dicided to give everyone that privlege
It Shows a non memeber wearing a flag pin! Clubpenguin we all give great thanks to and appriciation to non members! Thank you so much clubpenguin enjoy everyones freedom!
We have heard lots of news about the Orange Puffle!
Is It True is the Orange puffle joining us on Clubpenguin?
Yes! The Orange puffle will be on Clubpenguin. The Orange Puffle Plush Toy is soon to be sold in stores along with the whole other gang!! Check out the Plush Toy!
Lard Beak said: "What Im looking forward to? Its most hard to decided, with so much happening on ClubPenguin! But i think I have to say I cannot wait until the Puffle Party! It was so much fun last year, and it was great when the white puffle came out of the wild! My white Puffle is called Sooty! I wonder is there is any other puffles to be discovered!"
Our Great friend from Clubpenguin says that in the interveiw the orange puffle will most likely be revealved at the puffle party! Who Knows save up your coins just in case!
Now that the Puffle Party has returned ClubPenguin Had decided to treat there puffles like royalty! New Puffle items have been released in the puffle catalog! Check out these items!
Cool New puffle items get them! Puffle Cleaner. Dirty!
Club Penguin Is Now hosting a puffly party! Starts Febuary 19th! Also members get your puffles ready! There giving a chance for all members to bring their Puffles to show off there talents for the Party!
Club Penguins New Clothing Catalog was just Updated!
News About the Orange Puffle! Will be joining the pet shop! The puffle has been seen all over club penguin the cookoo clock and in crowds of other Puffles!
Hi Everyone Welcome to my new website where you can blog post comment and find the cheats your looking for you can always e-mail me or comment on what cheat you would like to see on my website! You can find plentey of things to do find the pin and check out some of the up coming events! (:
Click On One Of the Catolog Squares to look at the catolog!
Then Click here to go on clubpenguin and buy stuff from the Catologs! Some of the catalogs involving puffles need to be updated so they are not fully correct but they do still show all the puffles & items . They are just not organized the way the new catalogs are . Ill update that as soon as possible.
Hi Welcome to my New Website Club Penguin Cheats you can Blog comment and find cheats from the disney game Club Penguin! You can always e-mail me at lollyjollypop1424@yahoo.com and tell some of the cheats you would like to see on my website feel free to look and explore some of the upcoming events on ClubPenguin! Bye For Now. (: